Chaney Kwak’s in deep trouble.


 Illustration by Joe McKendry

“Thoughts and prayers.”

Trapped on a cruise ship without a working engine, inching closer to capsizing on the rocky Norwegian coast, travel writer Chaney Kwak watches armchair commentators wish him and the 1,372 other passengers all the best on social media.

And he never wanted to go on that cruise in the first place.

Praise for The Passenger


In March 2019, the Viking Sky cruise ship was struck by a bomb cyclone in the North Atlantic. Rocked by 60-foot swells and 87-mile-per-hour gales, the ship lost power and began to drift straight toward the notoriously dangerous Hustadvika coast in Norway.

During his twenty-seven hours aboard the teetering ship, Kwak examines his family history, maritime tragedies, and the failing relationship back on shore: the Viking Sky, he realizes, may not be the only sinking ship he needs to escape.

The Passenger takes readers for an unforgettable journey from the Norwegian coast to the South China Sea, from post-WWII Korea to pandemic-struck San Francisco. Kwak weaves his personal experience into events spanning decades and continents to explore the serendipity and the relationships that move us.

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The Passenger (ISBN 978-1-56792-697-2) is distributed to the trade by Two Rivers Distribution, an Ingram brand. For more information, click here.